Well-BeingEssentials Referenceware Library
Well-BeingEssentials™ from Books24x7®: The Definitive Resource to
Address the Work-Life and Health Concerns of the Entire
CBT Direct's Well-BeingEssentials™, a Referenceware® collection from Books24x7®, arms the enterprise — at all levels — with the
tools it needs to foster a more productive employee base. The collection complements corporate EAP (employee assistance program)
initiatives by providing a resource for employees to research and understand topics of importance to them. With medical insurance
and related benefits costs continuing to skyrocket, it’s now more important than ever that employers embrace cost-effective tools
that help the entire workforce balance the responsibilities of work, family, health, personal finance and overall well-being.
Well-BeingEssentials covers issues pertaining to daily living, family & care giving, health & wellness and working smarter, and includes numerous topics such as:
- Personal Finance
- Mental Health
- Emotional Well-Being
- Parenting
- Relationships
- Fitness
- Health Challenges
- Healthy Living
- Stress Management
- Moving
- Career Transitions
- Career Development
- Work-Life Balance
- And much more
For a list of titles click here.
Using the Well-BeingEssentials™ collection from Books24x7, you'll find Quick and Accurate Answers to All Your Employee Questions!
- Eliminate Stress from your Life Forever: A Simple Program for Better Living
- How to Administer an Estate: A Step-By-Step Guide for Families and Friends
- The Manager's Guide to Health and Safety at Work
Hundreds of titles are included in CBT Direct's Well-BeingEssentials from Books24x7 - and these titles are added to on a monthly basis!
Plus, the new book alert feature included in Well-BeingEssentials ensures that you know when new information has been added. This
allows us to consistently provide content that is timely, comprehensive, up-to-date and informative. Alternatively, Books24x7 RSS
feeds enable users to be kept apprised of new specific-interest content without the need for email messages.